Australian Crown Generation II

The Crown in Australia is no longer an Imperial Crown of Britain.

The Australian Crown is a descendant of the Imperial British Crown of old.

But this is a young and new democratic Crown for Australia, imbued with a democratic ethos.

It’s formal date of birth is the 3rd of September 1939.

The Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 serves as its birth certificate.

The Commonwealth took the lead, and the Australian States followed through on the 3rd of March 1986 with the Australia Acts 1986. The Prime Minister at that time was Bob Hawke, who is best remembered for his comment after Australia II won the America’s Cup in 1983.

On the day of the birth of the Crown of Australia, Australia declared war against Nazi Germany. The Prime Minister of the day, Robert Menzies, informed Australians through a live radio broadcast that Australia was in a state of war against fascism.

Prime Minister Robert Menzies – Melancholic Duty Radio Broadcast – 3rd September 1939

The second generation Crown of Australia was born through a declaration of freedom, human rights, the rule of law, and democracy. In the Second World War Australians fought with the other major democratic nations to protect the world from fascism, racism and some of the worst forms of genocide.

Following the Second World War, Australia was a founding member of the United Nations and one of the eight nations involved with drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The aim is to preserve an international order based on the human rights and the rule of law.

Today, the Crown in Australia remains poorly understood. The High Court outlined some of the meanings of the Crown in Australia in the Sue vs Hill 1999 case.

In a paper about this case and the meaning of the Crown in Australia, Professor Anne Twomey summarised five meanings of the Crown:

  1. 1. the Sovereign’s regalia;
  2. 2. the body politic;
  3. 3. the international personality of a body politic;
  4. 4. the ‘government’ or ‘executive’; and
  5. 5. the office of the Sovereign and the capacity in which the Sovereign acts.
Twomey, Anne, Responsible Government and the Divisibility of the Crown. Public Law, pp. 742-767, Winter 2008, Sydney Law School Research Paper No. 08/137, Available at SSRN:

The second generation Crown in Australia is the body politic (at least for the Commonwealth and states). It refers to the international personality of the Australian body politic. The divisible Crowns in Australia are synonymous with the ‘government’ or ‘executive’ of the Commonwealth and each of the six states, independent of each other.

Each of the six Australian states has a current Act of Parliament that defines the Crown in right of their respective state. The definitions vary slightly, but they generally affirm the Crown in right of their state as being the government of the state.

For example, in New South Wales the Crown Proceedings Act 1988 No 70 states:

  1. Crown means the Crown in right of New South Wales, and includes:
    (a) the Government of New South Wales, and
    (b) a Minister of the Crown in right of New South Wales, and
    (c) a statutory corporation, or other body, representing the Crown in right of New South Wales.

The body politics in Australia are democratic. We elect parliamentarians to serve our communities. We have a Westminster system where the party with the majority in the lower house form government and is responsible to the people through Parliament. The Crown in Australia is a democratic institution that enables our federal system of government with three tiers (federal, state and local).

Yet, we still have the legacy from the old British Crown of a monarch and hereditary rules of succession for our head of state.

One option for an Australian republic is to replace the monarch with an elected Australian to serve a fixed term in office as our head of state. We could leave everything else as it is in the constitutional monarchy. We could even keep the Crowns of Australia, and turn them into democratic modern second generation Crowns.

Australian Crown – Gen II

Crown in right of the Commonwealth – remember WW II

Crown in right of the states – remember Australia II

We have one more step to complete and that is to recognise the Crown of Australia as a second generation Crown born in an age of democracy.


This is an anthropomorphic take on the Crown, which is a common narrative technique used to attribute human characteristics or behaviour to an object.

In this case it is attributing the start or establishment of the divisible Crown of Australia as an initial stage in a lifecycle – commonly referred to as a ‘birth’.

It is also seeing the change from the old British Crown to the new divisible Crown in Australia as a generational change.

If the old British Crown is nearly 1000 years old, starting with the Norman invasion of England, the second generation Crown in Australia is a mere infant. It is in the stage of life before even being baptised (in a Christian sense), before it has been given a name and prior to being introduced to the community and world. It has the potential to protect our rights and freedoms. But it cannot speak yet, it is vulnerable, and it needs to be protected and nurtured. In today’s world, we need to protect our democratic institutions.

Replacing the monarch with an elected Australian to serve as head of state for a fixed term under the Crown of Australia – would be the introduction of “Australia II” to the world.
A target date for the first elected Australian to replace the monarch under the Crown of Australia is the 3rd of September 2032.

Acts referring to the Crown in right of a state

Queensland – Crown Proceedings Act 1980

“…Crown means the Crown in right of the State of Queensland and includes a corporation representing the Crown, constituted by or under any Act or incorporated or registered under the Corporations Act…
8 Proceedings by or against the Crown Mode of proceeding
(1) Subject to this Act and any other Act or law, a claim by or against the Crown may be made and enforced by a proceeding by or against the Crown under the title the ‘State of Queensland’.”

New South Wales – Crown Proceedings Act 1988 No 70

“Crown means the Crown in right of New South Wales, and includes:
(a) the Government of New South Wales, and
(b) a Minister of the Crown in right of New South Wales, and
(c) a statutory corporation, or other body, representing the Crown in right of New South Wales.”

Victoria – Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 (see p55)

“5 …Act to bind Crown This Act binds the Crown, not only in right of the State of Victoria, but also, so far as the legislative power of the Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other capacities… Crown means the Crown in right of Victoria; (p55)”

Tasmania – Crown Proceedings Act 1993

“3. Act to bind Crown This Act binds the Crown in right of Tasmania and, so far as the legislative power of Parliament permits, in all its other capacities, but does not extend to the Crown in right of the Commonwealth except where specific provision is made for its application to the Crown in right of the Commonwealth.
Interpretation In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears – …State Crown means the Crown in right of this State.”

South Australia – Crown Proceedings Act 1992

“4—Interpretation …State Crown means the Crown in right of this State…
(2) This Act extends not only to the Crown in right of the State but also (as far as the legislative power of the State admits) to the Crown in any other capacity but does not extend to the Crown in right of the Commonwealth except where specific provision is made for its application to the Crown in right of the Commonwealth
1 Note— 1 Specific provision is made in section 9 for representation of the Crown in right of the Commonwealth in State proceedings.”

Western Australia – Crown Suits Act 1947

“Term used: Crown
In this Act, the term Crown means the Crown in right of the Government of Western Australia.”

A PDF of this post: Acts referring to the Crown in right of a state

Green and Gold

It has been repeatedly pointed out that the official Pantone shade for the Australian Gold is rather more like the pale yellow of a scared little canary. PANTONE®116C (Vibrant Yellow)

John Vaughan is a leading Australian Vexillographer and the link is to a Facebook post from his feed.

John suggests using the following colours for the Australian Green and Gold:


I will give it a go. The next design will be for an Australia Reconciled Dawn.

What is the Crown in Australia?

This is an important question, and the answer may surprise you.

A key ruling by the High Court is Sue versus Hill from 1999.

The following quote from the article by Professor Anne Twomey discusses the High Court ruling.

In Australia, however, where sovereignty is shared in a federation which is independent from the United Kingdom, the different meanings of ‘the Crown’ are more easily identified and analysed, as they have been competing and conflicting with each other for more than a century.

The High Court of Australia made an attempt to distinguish the different meanings of ‘the Crown’ in the case of Sue v Hill. It identified the following different senses in which the term ‘Crown’ is commonly used:

  1. 1. the Sovereign’s regalia;
  2. 2. the body politic;
  3. 3. the international personality of a body politic;
  4. 4. the ‘government’ or ‘executive’; and
  5. 5. the office of the Sovereign and the capacity in which the Sovereign acts.

  6. In Australia, each of the Commonwealth and the six States is a separate body politic. Joseph has argued that in this federal context the Crown is subdivisible. The Commonwealth legislation granting self-government to the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory also declares that each territory is ‘established as a body politic under the Crown’. This suggests that there are at least nine Crowns in Australia in the sense of bodies politic.
  7. Within each body politic, there is an executive government. It too, is known as ‘the Crown’, but it is a mere component of the body politic. The executive government must be distinguished from the legislature, the judiciary and the people of the body politic. Territories that have a greater degree of dependency may not themselves amount to a body politic, but may still have an executive government that takes on the attributes of a body politic. An Australian example is Norfolk Island, which is not itself a body politic, but which has an executive government, ‘the Administration’, which is given the status of a body politic with perpetual succession.

  8. Thirdly, there is the independent sovereign nation of the Commonwealth of Australia, which has international personality and can act on the world stage. It is comprised of the bodies politic of the Commonwealth and the States. It is a single Crown, in this sense, under the rule of a body of law that is derived from different sources. Finally, there is the relationship between the bodies politic and the Queen. Neither the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory nor Norfolk Island has a ‘Crown’ in this sense, because they have no vice-regal representative appointed directly by the Queen and their Ministers cannot advise the Queen with respect to any matter. Whether the States have separate Crowns or fall under one federal Crown remains a matter of contention. However, it is clear in Australia, that the number of Crowns, in the sense of executive governments, may be different from the number of Crowns, in the sense of bodies politic, which in turn may be different from the number of Crowns the
    monarch might bear with respect to Australia. It is only in relation to this final meaning of Crown, however, that the question arises as to the capacity in which the Queen is acting when performing a function with respect to a territory. This was the question that arose in the Quark Fishing case.
Twomey, Anne, Responsible Government and the Divisibility of the Crown. Public Law, pp. 742-767, Winter 2008, Sydney Law School Research Paper No. 08/137, Available at SSRN: