Round Robin model for an Australian Republic

Here’s a summarized version of the proposed model for an Australian republic:

  1. Single Head of State: One person will serve as the head of state for all of Australia, unifying the Federation and reflecting the personal unity of the divisible Crowns of Australia.
  2. Monarch Replacement: Replace the monarch with an elected Australian head of state while retaining the existing constitutional framework.
  3. Values-Based Model: The new head of state represents Australian values of democracy, rule of law, service, fairness, and more, reflecting the nation’s highest ideals.
  4. Term and Representation: The elected Australian head of state will serve a fixed term, with existing vice-regal representatives retained to represent the new head of state.
  5. Reserve Powers Justification: Maintain reserve powers of the Governor-General and State Governors to preserve the separation of powers in a republic and prevent deadlock situations.
  6. Election Process: Head of state elections will take place within each State and within the Territories for the Commonwealth in a round-robin fashion, alternating between the seven divisible Crowns of Australia.
  7. Compulsory or Voluntary Voting: Voting for the head of state may be compulsory or voluntary (to be decided). The candidate with the most votes, using a first-past-the-post system, will win the election.
  8. Term and Gender: The elected head of state’s term will be one year, alternating genders each term, beginning and ending on September 3rd.
  9. Transition Period: The first elected Australian head of state, titled “Australian of the Year,” is targeted for September 3rd, 2032, commemorating the independence of the Commonwealth from the British Crown on September 3rd, 1939.
  10. Deputy Roles: The elected head of state will serve as a deputy for six months before and after their term, ensuring a smooth transition.
  11. Two-Year Service: Each elected head of state will serve for two years, with a shared duty arrangement, combining periods as a deputy and the head of state.
  12. Gender Diversity: Both genders will be represented in the head of state and deputy roles at all times.
  13. Role Constraints: The “Australian of the Year” head of state role is ceremonial, adhering to conventions and refraining from political involvement. The elected head of state cannot exercise reserve powers.
  14. Replacement Mechanism: In case of misadventure or impeachment, the Governor-General or respective Governors will act as replacements.
  15. Misconduct and Removal: Processes for removing an elected head of state due to misconduct will be established.

In essence, this proposed model outlines the transformation from a constitutional monarchy to a republic by electing an Australian head of state while preserving key aspects of the existing constitutional structure.

The Crown in Australia

A summary of several key ideas related to the Crown of Australia, its constitutional structure, and the challenges in transitioning from a constitutional monarchy to a republic. Here’s a summary of the main points:

  1. Federation and Crown: After the 1901 Federation, Australia operated under the British Crown. It’s a constitutional monarchy with a Westminster system consisting of federal, state, and local governments.
  2. Independence and the Statute of Westminster: Australian independence began around 1930, culminating in the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 and the Australia Acts 1986. This changed Australia’s relationship with the British Crown, marking a foundational shift.
  3. Nature of the Crown: The nature of the Crown of Australia is debated. States define their own divisible Crowns, but there’s also the view of a federal Crown. The head of state is the monarch, with independent vice-regal representatives at the federal and state levels.
  4. Governor-General and State Governors: Australia has multiple vice-regal representatives, distinct from other Commonwealth nations. Comparing Australia with Ireland, where a one-to-one relationship between the monarch and the vice-regal representative existed before Ireland became a republic, demonstrates Australia’s uniqueness.
  5. Structural Challenges: Converting Australia into a republic is complex due to the one-to-many relationship between the monarch and their representatives. Changing roles while maintaining the Federation’s structure poses challenges.
  6. The Federation Star: The Australian National Flag symbolizes the Commonwealth and six states with a seven-pointed “Federation Star,” representing both the bodies’ political and, since the Australia Acts 1986, the divisible Crowns.
  7. Role of the Monarch: The monarch provides personal unity for the divisible Crown of Australia, a role often overlooked in republic models.
  8. High Court’s Perspective: The High Court of Australia identified different meanings of “the Crown,” including its role as the body politic, the international representative, the government, and the sovereign office.

In essence, the text delves into Australia’s historical ties to the British Crown, the complexities of its unique constitutional monarchy, and the challenges of transitioning to a republic while preserving the country’s federal structure.

Inquiry into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum

The Australian Parliament ran an Inquiry into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum earlier this year. They opened the Inquiry to public submissions, and over 3000 people shared their ideas and thoughts. The Committee decided to publish less than 10% of the submission, almost exclusively from VIPs, and the rest were labelled as “correspondence” and were not published. In most Inquiries, submissions are usually all published.

Below is my submission to the Inquiry, which was not published.

Super Funds could build and maintain affordable housing

What do Super funds spend their funds on? Their total assets are over $3.5 trillion.

Do they like to invest in shares?

What if they put some of their their money into building and holding affordable rental housing for thousands of families?

They would have solid real estate that grows in value over time, they would have constant rental income for cash flow, and the value they hold will directly benefit the community and economy.

$10 billion is barely 0.3% of the total funds held by superannuation funds in Australia.

What if the Commonwealth offered super funds a tax benefit if they agreed to make long term investments in developing affordable housing? An amount of $10 billion could go a long way further.

It would also be worth doing comparative research to see what is done with super funds in other countries – in particular in Europe.

Super Statistics
Total superannuation assets were $3.5 trillion at the end of the March 2023 quarter, a quarterly increase of 3.2 per cent. Total superannuation assets have returned to levels last recorded at the end of December 2021 ($3.5 trillion) and have recovered from their decline over the June and September quarters of 2022. Total MySuper assets increased by 5.1 per cent over the March quarter 2023 to $964.5 billion.

Dark side of the Voice

“Australians, faced with a decision that will change the country forever, are being peppered with information from the Yes and No campaigns…

As the vote nears, questions are being asked about who is behind the campaigns…

Who is behind the Yes Campaign

The Yes campaign consists of a number of different groups including Yes23, The Uluru Dialogue, Empowering Communities, Together Yes, Uphold & Recognise and Liberals for Yes…

CT Group (formerly Crosby Textor, run by campaign guru Mark Textor, who worked closely with John Howard), has been hired for messaging…”