CT Group Investigation at Crikey.com.au


Crosby Textor was the early master of smart polling and cut-through political messaging for conservative politics. But 20 years on, the organisation, rebranded as C|T Group, has moved to the very centre of political power while also acting as lobbyists. In a new Crikey series, investigations editor David Hardaker examines C|T’s unique business model and the international levers it pulls.

Traditional owners win court case to stop nuclear waste dump in South Australia

“Traditional owners opposing the federal government’s plan for a nuclear waste dump on their land in South Australia have had a major win, with a court ruling the facility can’t be built.

The Barngarla people were jubilant outside the federal court in Adelaide on Tuesday after justice Natalie Charlesworth said the commonwealth’s decision to build the dump near Kimba would be set aside.”


Introducing Seven Golden Stars

Seven Golden Stars is the name of an Australian flag where the Aboriginal flag replaces the Union Jack.

It is a flag that symbolises the sovereignty of Australians and honours the First Nations, who have lived sovereign in Australia for over 60,000 years.

We do not need to change the Constitution to recognise the First Nations of Australia.

The sun will still rise in a hundred years hence, regardless of the referendum result.

The flag takes the Southern Cross and Federation Star from the defaced British Ensign and rearranges them symmetrically.

The stars and background colours are Australia’s national colours: at first blue and gold, and now green and gold.

Seven Golden Stars in blue and gold.

Seven Golden Stars in green and gold.

There are many versions and varieties of this flag design.

The designs are by Robert Vose.

Proposed changes for a referendum


…The federal government has committed to holding the referendum during the 2023-24 financial year, with the final date yet to be determined by the cabinet. It has been working closely with a working group of Indigenous leaders who, in a meeting last week, canvassed changes to the Referendum Machinery Provisions Act 1984 which will be considered by cabinet in the coming fortnight.

One option on the table is to change the act’s requirement for voters to be sent a pamphlet in the post outlining the proposed change to the Constitution, comprising up to 2000 words each on the Yes and No case, and instead make this information available electronically…